August 13, 2024
SaaS Visibility

We're paying for and using what? The importance of SaaS app visibility

Do your customers have the necessary tools for full visibility of the SaaS apps their employees have subscribed to and are using?

There's a well-known danger creeping into your customers' environments: employees using apps that haven’t been vetted or approved by management.

These “shadow apps” can lead to significant problems; from security risks to compliance issues, to the inability of decommissioning apps you may not be aware of. Considering how easy it can be for any employee to create a subscription using company credentials, the problem of shadow apps must be dealt with head-on. 

Browser visibility without a solution

Any employee with a company email can sign up for an app. Perhaps someone in accounting may see the expense, but is accounting advising the MSP every time they see a new line item? 

The challenge here for any MSP is daunting. Even if employees obtained management approval beforehand, the likelihood the MSP was informed is questionable. 

Not every app meets security or compliance standards. Employees might ignore or not understand company policies. This can lead to inconsistent app usage, duplicated efforts, and potential security infractions.   

Employees might also be accessing personal apps on their work computers. While many companies allow flexibility in this area, individual app usage and browsing can significantly impact productivity and introduce all types of security risks. 

Your customers need to ensure their resources—both time and money—are utilized efficiently and effectively, and the only way you can help is by deploying tools that will give you proper visibility. 

Browser visibility

When it comes to business apps, whether those apps are company sanctioned or fall into the category of shadow apps, MSPs need comprehensive reporting and browser visibility.

What does that mean for you? Well, you need to equip yourself with the necessary tools to know how your customers’ employees are utilizing their browsers and thereby their apps too.  

A browser visibility solution will allow you to identify and manage all the apps used by your customers. You’ll be equipped to quickly spot unauthorized apps and take appropriate action, such as avoiding unnecessary expenses from redundant and unused apps. 

Browser visibility, purpose built for MSPs

Browsers have become the modern Window of Work for accessing productivity apps and data. Despite their importance, browser security has been underserved, exposing organizations to new threats. 

The Atakama Managed Browser Security Platform is a browser extension that transforms the browser into a secure and managed workspace, empowering MSPs to control security, set policies, gain insights, and optimize user experiences. 

Schedule your demo today to find out how you can improve visibility, eliminate shadow apps, and give your customers an innovative productivity tool that won't impact existing workflows or require additional employee training.

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