News & Insights by Atakama

Beyond the Perimeter: The Critical Role of Browser Security for MSPs

Written by Atakama Team | May 3, 2024 7:48:51 PM

As organizations increasingly rely on remote work and SaaS applications, the browser has become the primary conduit for accessing critical data and services. However, despite the robust security measures implemented by Managed Service Providers (MSPs), the browser remains a vulnerable entry point for cyber threats. As MSPs adapt to the shifting cybersecurity landscape, it's imperative to recognize the significant blind spot presented by browser security.

Let's delve into why the browser deserves heightened attention within MSP offerings and how fortifying browser security can bolster an organization’s overall security posture.

Gateway to Vulnerability: The browser serves as the frontline interface for employees accessing SaaS applications, making it a prime target for cybercriminals. Shockingly, 95% of undetectable malware finds its way through web browsing, underscoring the urgent need for enhanced browser security within MSP portfolios.

Visibility Gap: The lack of visibility into browser activity exacerbates the challenge. MSPs must gain comprehensive insights into browser behavior, SaaS application usage, and productivity statistics to detect and mitigate security risks effectively. Without this visibility, organizations are left vulnerable to undetected threats and breaches.

Unseen Threats: Despite the layers of security deployed across endpoints and networks, the browser harbors unseen threats, including malware and phishing attacks. It's alarming to note that 92% of system intrusions stem from basic web application attacks, highlighting the criticality of addressing browser vulnerabilities.

Compliance Imperative: Regulatory requirements demand stringent safeguards for Personally Identifiable Information (PII) against unauthorized access or leakage. However, the decentralized nature of browser usage introduces compliance complexities. MSPs must ensure that browser security measures align with regulations to safeguard PII, mitigating the risk of data breaches and potential regulatory penalties.

Empowering Through Education: 73% of organizations are transitioning to all-SaaS environments, making awareness of safe and secure browsing crucial for mitigating risks associated with unauthorized SaaS usage.

Investing in Purpose-Built Solutions: Recognizing the unique challenges posed by browser security, MSPs must invest in specialized solutions tailored to mitigate these vulnerabilities. Secure web gateways and browser isolation technologies are limited in their capability to safeguard against evolving threats. 

Satisfying CIS Controls: CIS controls emphasize the importance of securing web browsers to prevent unauthorized access and protect against web-based threats. By deploying browser security solutions, MSPs can demonstrate their commitment to adhering to these controls and ensuring that their clients' environments meet industry best practices for cybersecurity.

Comprehensive browser security plays a pivotal role in fortifying an organization’s defenses when it comes to reinforcing a layered security strategy. While traditional security measures such as endpoint protection and network firewalls are essential components of a robust security posture, they are insufficient on their own to address the diverse range of threats emanating from the browser.

By incorporating comprehensive browser security measures into their offerings, MSPs can enhance their value proposition and provide clients with a holistic approach to cybersecurity. A comprehensive browser security platform extends beyond traditional security measures to encompass a wide range of capabilities, including browser security controls, DNS and web content filtering, data leakage control, credential analysis, SaaS app discovery, insights, and monitoring.

With 86% of SMBs inadequately prepared to defend against cyberattacks, the time to prioritize browser security is now. MSPs must proactively address the browser blind spot and empower organizations to mitigate the pervasive threat of cybercrime effectively. By taking a proactive and comprehensive approach to browser security, MSPs can strengthen client relationships, differentiate themselves in the market, and ultimately, safeguard organizations by securing today’s window of work.